Okay, so I'm oh so very behind in posting. Here's my 12 week post & I'll be 13 weeks tomorrow. So let's see, what happened in week #12? Well, all is pretty much the same I guess. The nausea came back a some. I don't know what's up w/ that! I had an appt. w/ my midwife. There are 5 of them at this clinic & I met a new one. I don't think I care for her as much as I did the first one. Seems like everytime there is at least one that isn't my favorite. I think she's the one. Although, I haven't met the other 3 yet either. I hope I like them more. The biggest bummer was that we still weren't able to hear the heartbeat! :o( She said she wasn't concerned, but I'm going back next week & if we don't hear it by then they'll send me off to an ultrasound. I hope everything is okay. I'm sure it is, but I'm still super bummed that I still haven't heard my baby.