Sunday, December 20, 2009

Jumped the gun

Well, I did it...I took a pregnancy test today. 5 days before I said I was going to. It's probably a bit too early anyway. But I just couldn't help myself this time. Can you tell by my "unexcitedness" that there was only 1 line instead of two. For those of you who don't know that means "Not Pregnant"!!! Bummer!!! I thought for sure this was it. I was humbled by the first "not pregnant" & now I have to do it again! SHIT!!! So not fair. Every time it gets me second guessing. Do I really want to do this? How long do we keep trying? We're not getting any younger here! My husband just turned 37! My kids aren't getting any younger either. Kendra is just around the corner from 18. Potentially she could be the one having babies soon! Holy Moly! That's one thing I know I DON'T want. A child & a grandchild at the same time. I don't care if I am only 30.

Well, until next time. Maybe next month I'll have some better news! :o)

1 comment:

  1. Oh me oh my sugar pie...This is the exact same thing that we are going through for the last 3 years....So many times we think I am 42 days late I have to just be totally sure it an awful feeling. Every other time I just got pregnant by accident...I will be following your blog and hope to have some great news soon, and I will hopefully have good news to share with you soon too...Good Luck!
