Wednesday, July 21, 2010

6 Months

I am soooo bad. It's summertime though, it's so hard to sit down and spend a whole lot of time on the computer. So now I have to try to remember what my 6th month was all about. This is exactly why I need to do this stuff while it's happening. The picture is also late in my 6th month. Oh is what it is. :o)

Well, lots & lots of movement from little miss Keira. Oh, and we decided on Keira Belle Kessler. Brielle just loves my growing belly. She's touching it all the time. Whenever she lays by me she'll rub my tummy. It's so stinkin' cute. I've been feeling pretty good still so far. It may be a different story for month 7 (which I'm currently in), but I can't write about that yet. Still feelin' pretty good & loving all the movement. Can't wait to lay down and watch my tummy move. I remember those were favorite moments when I was pregnant with both Alexa & Brielle.

I think often about what I think she'll look like. I'm sure I was way off with Brielle. I never would've thought I'd have this cutie pie w/ blond hair and blue eyes. Tommy would say all the time that she was going to have bule eyes. Although I wanted her to, I'd tell him that chances are they'll be brown. Sure enough...they were blue. And you could tell from the day she was born that they were going to be. Of course now he's saying the same thing. Blue eyes for Keria. I'm going with brown this time. And maybe she'll get my dark curly hair. You never know though. I'm really just hoping she just comes out strong and healthy and that we have no complications.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

What's in a Name?

So we've come across a little dilema. We've chosen the name Keira for our baby girl. We also had chosen the middle name Jolie. Could possibly call her KJ for short? Super cute & I love the name. However, befoe we chose Jolie we thought about giving her a family name. My grandma's middle name is Mae, hmmm...possibly, but I got over it. Tommy's grandma's name is Viola. I said no to that, but kept asking him to find out what her middle name is. It just so happens her middle name is Belle, which is also super cute. So now what do we do? My other girls have middle names inspired by family members. Alexa Rose comes from her great-grandmother Rosemary. Brielle Angelina comes from my dad Angel. It would just seem right to continue the tradition. But then again, I really like Jolie. And the name flows so beautifully. So, for those of you who read this and haven't voted yet I set up a baby name poll. I'd love to get your vote, and of course, as always, I'd love some feedback.

The names are:
Keira Jolie Kessler
Keira Belle Kessler
Keira Mae Kessler
Keira Mae Belle Kessler

Monday, May 31, 2010

Diaper Bag

I was gone for most of the weekend, but ordered a really cute diaper bag earlier last week. I was hoping it would be here when I got back. I was bummed that UPS didn't drop it off, but when I went to track my package online, I noticed that it had been scanned in at the the post office in Salem. Sure enough it came through the postal service so it's here!!! Yeah!

I did a lot of research for a good bag. This one is made by JJ Cole ( I bought it through Babies R Us & found this paticular print at a $20 discount. I checked again today & it's back up to regular price, so I'm super excited that I saved some $$$.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

5 Months

Yeah! Half way through my journey. It has been amazing so far. This week has been no exception. On May 21st I went in for my 20 week ultrasound. The baby looks amazing and we found out we're having a girl. Yes, another girl. Girl #4 for us. :o)

Tommy was a little bummed out at first. He was glad that she was healthy and that everything looked good. But I have to say, once we found out he was very quiet. Of couse he is better now.

After the ultrasound I took the girls to Target to pick out some clothes. Tommy had to drop Kendra off (she was babysitting), so they didn't come along. I let Tommy off the hook, I knew I had to give him a little time to adjust and let it all sink in. Alexa, Brielle & I had so much fun picking out clothes.

Before finding out we hadn't talked much about names. Tommy really wanted to wait until we knew. Once we found out I felt like the "name game" consumed me. We talked and talked about names, and in less than a week we've chosen a name for our baby girl.
Keira Jolie Kessler

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Weeks 18 & 19

I can't believe I forgot to post for week 18! I'll be 19 weeks tomorrow & not a whole lot has changed, so I think this time I'll just combine the two. I'm sure more has happened than I think, but when I post week to week the changes usually seem smaller to me, although huge things are happening every day! Well, the most exciting news I have is that I have my ultrasound appt. is scheduled for May 21st at 3:30. I am so stinkin' excited! I can't wait to see this baby and to start shopping for pink or blue. Most of you know, with 3 girls already, we are hoping for a boy. But as long as we have a healthy baby I'll be happy. Our girls are so wonderful & so sweet, I really don't know what I'd do w/a boy. I'd love to find out though. :o)

We've talked a little about names, but not much. Tommy wants to wait until we know what we're having, so it's a lost battle right now. Although he did come up w/ a girls name the other day. I didn't really like it though. Only 9 more days until we find out & really start talking about names. All I know is that if it's a boy it's middle name will most likely be Thomas. So my ultrasound I will be 20 weeks & 1 day, so I will make sure to post belly & ultrasound pics.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Week 17

Week 17 was spent in California. Baby & I went on a plane ride. We went to San Diego for Arfar's (my grandfather) funeral. The trip was bittersweet, but it was nice to see family. There isn't really anything new & exciting to report this week as far as the pregnancy goes. But I still wanted to check in. Thursday is my next Dr. appt. I can't wait to get my ultrasound appt. scheduled. I'm so excited to see my baby. Really hoping there will be some cooperation & we'll get to see boy or girl parts.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

16 Weeks

Yes, again I am late on my 16 week post.

16 weeks ~ 4 months! WOW!!! This pregnancy is going by quickly, and there is still so much to look forward to. The most exciting news is that I felt my little pumpkin move for the very first time on Monday, April 19. I was squatting in front of my closet picking out a pair of shoes when I felt the first little "flutter". That's the best way I know how to describe it. It was wonderful. In the last week I've felt a few more little movements here & there. It' pretty cool. I love it!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

15 Weeks

I am 15 weeks today! Yeah! Moving right along quite nicely :o)

I went shopping last weekend and bought a few new maternity clothes. I have a small stockpile of clothes that were passed on to me. Some fit great & some I've just tucked away again. But it's always nice to get a few things of your own. So, I bought a pair of jeans, a pair of khakis, 2 tank tops, 3 shirts, a new Bella Band, and what I thought was a dress, but really turned out to be a swim cover-up. LOL! I kept it anyway. It'll come in handy this summer.

My next appt. was scheduled for the 27th, but I got a phone call yesterday & all the midwives will be in a mandatory meeting, so I had to move it. Since I'll be out of town shortly after I've rescheduled for the 6th of May. At that appt. I should be able to schedule my ultrasound appt. We're excited and anxious to find out what we're having, but we're still looking at 4-5 weeks out. Just like everything else, that day will come quickly.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Week 14 - ♥

Well, today was the day! We heard our baby's heartbeat for the very first time! I am still on a high from it. It was so amazing. I was expecting it to take a while, that she would have to search a bit. Nope! Not at all, it was right there when she put the doppler down on my tummy. Baby was moving around a lot, so it started out loud, and then you could hear it get quite, then louder again. It was so great! What a great day! :o)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

13 Weeks

Again, behind the ball on my posts. I'll be 14 weeks in 2 days! But I'll have stuff to post on Thursday, as I have another Dr. appt. & am hoping to hear the heartbeat. It is so frustrating not fitting in my clothes! My regular clothes have become too uncomfortable to wear, and the maternity clothes that I do have are still too big. I bought a Bella Band, and I do love it. It helps for the most part. I need to go get another one though b/c I wear this like almost every day. I'm also ready to go shopping for some maternity clothes. What I have was either mine from when I was prego w/ Brielle, or has been passed down to me. Some of the clothes are great, but I having a really hard time w/ the jeans. I heard that Old Navy has good maternity jeans, so I think I'm going to start there. I'm definitely to that point now though where there is no mistaking that I'm pregnant. I'm feeling like if people had doubts before whether or not I was prego or just putting on some pounds, I think they're seeing me & saying "Yep! She's pregnant!" At least I hope that's how it's going. I guess if not now it won't be long before they start figuring it out. LOL!

Well, I'll write more on Thursday. It should be a big day for us either way. We'll either hear the heartbeat or get an ultrasound. So at least I feel like something will be going on.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

12 weeks

Okay, so I'm oh so very behind in posting. Here's my 12 week post & I'll be 13 weeks tomorrow. So let's see, what happened in week #12? Well, all is pretty much the same I guess. The nausea came back a some. I don't know what's up w/ that! I had an appt. w/ my midwife. There are 5 of them at this clinic & I met a new one. I don't think I care for her as much as I did the first one. Seems like everytime there is at least one that isn't my favorite. I think she's the one. Although, I haven't met the other 3 yet either. I hope I like them more. The biggest bummer was that we still weren't able to hear the heartbeat! :o( She said she wasn't concerned, but I'm going back next week & if we don't hear it by then they'll send me off to an ultrasound. I hope everything is okay. I'm sure it is, but I'm still super bummed that I still haven't heard my baby.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

11 Weeks! Yeah!

Today is week 11. I thought the morning sickness was gone, but low & behold it came back yesterday & today. Hopefully it decides to go away & stay away! Only one more week until the end of my 1st trimester. 1/3 of the way through. So exciting. My next appt. w/ my midwife is on Wednesday (3/24). I'm really hoping to get to hear the heartbeat. I haven't heard it yet, so I really need this. I mean really ~ I need to hear my baby. Since I haven't heard or seen anything yet. I don't know how much weight I've put on, but I think I've put on more than I need to at this point. Thank goodness the weather is getting nicer. It makes it easier to get out there & walk during my lunch & breaks at work. Still, I need to step it up a little more. I'm so ready to have my energy back! I'm also thinking about adding in some prenatal yoga. Might be good for my mental status as well. LOL!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Week 10

I am so tired, but I'm going to get this post out...and then time for bed!

Not really anything new to report as far as the pregnancy goes. My next appt. is in 2 more weeks. I'm so hoping to be able to hear the heartbeat. I really need to hear it. Mindy came over earlier this week & was able to borrow the (what is it called anyway?), the thing that allows you to listen to baby's heartbeat. We tried, but could only hear mine. It is still early, but still, I just want to hear my baby!

Overall today was a pretty good day. It's my mom's birthday & I finally got to give her the Blazer tickets I bought from Jenna. I can't wait to go to the game w/ her next weekend. We also got our baseball tickets online today. They had an advanced ticket sale online at noon. I think we'll enjoy our seats this year. A little higher up & cheaper than the past years, but that's okay. One of these years we'll splurge. It's just fun to be there. Oh, for those of you who don't know how much of a Yankees fan I am, we go up to Seattle every year to watch the Yankees play the Mariners. We didn't go last year because of the wedding. Of course I've already been scoping out clothes for my new little Yankees fan! Can't wait to put him/her in their new outfit. You can believe that there will be one waiting when they get home. :o)

Until next time...Good night ya'll

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Week 9

Today I am officially 9 weeks! Yeah! One more & I'm in double digits. 3 more and I'm out of my first trimester! So, morning sickness is not really bad at all. I get it a bit in the morning when I first wake up, but once I get food in my tummy I'm all good for the rest of the day. I'm still disliking the "Is she fat or is she pregnant" stage of things. It's a bit annoying. I'm trying to spread the word around work so people quit wondering. It's funny because I'm the contact person for our Weight Watchers program at work. Ha Ha! People are probably like, "Damn, she dropped out of Weight Watchers & now she's starting to get huge! She better watch herself". Actually, I got kicked out of Weight Watchers & I'm pregnant, so shut your pie hole!!! Oh yeah, that's my major mood swing kicking in! My husband loves it!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

8 Down ~ 32 to Go

I missed my 8 week post on Thursday. That was my offical 8 weeks, so today I am 8 weeks & 2 Days. I have been so tired! I forget how much it really takes out of you. It's such a small thing in size, but huge things are happening!

Well, here's a picture at 8 weeks. Crazy huh? Seems like I shouldn't be showing yet. I do remember showing quite quickly w/ my 2nd, so I'm not suprised this time.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Week 7

Here were are at week 7. This week actually has be a bit more mild. The random nausea has ceased & I mostly feel it in the morning. But once I get a little food in my tummy I seem to be okay! I'm still so tired. I actually took a 15 min. snooze on a couch in our break area at work on Tuesday. I have to say, it did help. My baby bump is here. At 7 weeks! So freakin' crazy!!! I remember showing a lot faster w/ Brielle too, so I guess I'm not suprised. I've increased a belt notch, but my pants of course still fit just fine. I can see my baby bump, but I don't think it's that noticable to others, at least not yet. I'm trying to keep my activity levels up, but it's so stinkin' hard. I'm tired and starting to feel a bit uncomfortable. I'll do it where I can. The 2nd & 3rd months are hard for me because I won't look pregnant, just like I'm putting on the pounds. I don't like that feeling. I'd rather just look pregnant. I've been craving salty foods this week. I wonder what that's all about? Salty & starchy. I better be careful with that craving!

All in all it's good. All the "icky" stuff is just a happy reminder of the miracle that is mine (and Tommy's).

Thursday, February 11, 2010

6 weeks!

I had my first appt. today. All went well. I think I'm happy w/ my choice of going to Willamette Valley Midwives. I'll be delivering at Salem Hospital. Today we just talked a lot, then I went over to the lab & they did blood work. Fun stuff huh? LOL!

On another note...I don't think I've ever been kicked out of anything! Until now. I've recently been kicked out of Weight Watchers. All you have to do is get pregnant. Then you're out the door! LOL! It's all good. At least I'm armed with the know how to manage my weight gain during pregnancy.

Update on how I've been feeling: Hmmmmm...where do I start? Nausea at random times during the day. I wake up every night to pee, and sometimes that's even accompanied by nausea. Last night I woke up with the worst cramp right below my right shoulder blade. Oh my did it hurt. It hurt to breath. On top of that that stupid wave of nausea hit really hard. Thank goodness for my husband. He's so great! This is only the beginning. We have a long road ahead of us. Wish us luck! He He.

Have a great night all...until next time.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I made it through

Well, I made it through the Superbowl. What I mean is, great friends, good food, LOTS to drink. This is actually my second time being in this situation. I know huh? I've only known for a week and a half. Well, two weekends in a row. Last weekend I met w/ some friends at a local bar. This had been planned for quite a while, so I went, and drank water and 1 diet coke. Tonight I brought my own Root Beer. As hard as I anticipated it would be (The "really, I can't have drinks w/ my friends"), it's quite easy. How can it not be? My precious bean has a lot of growing to do. It makes it easier, but I have to admit there are times when I'm like, well, that kinda sucks! I'm going to a Blazer game on the 19th w/ a friend, no beers there. We're going to the Great Wolf Lodge in April, no water slides for me. What's camping going to be like? Uncomfortable. Oh, and no softball this year either. LOL! Oh well, it's all for the good of the order. :o) And I'm more than happy to make these small sacrifices.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

5 weeks

Today I am 5 weeks! Things are going well. I have my first appt. on the 11th. I decided to go back to the Salem Women's Clinic. It's a group of Nurse Midwives. You see them all throughout your pregnancy, and who ever is on that night will be the one to deliver. I saw them with both Alexa & Brielle. Both pregnancies went well with no complications and they did great. If it's not broke don't fix it, right? Our family Dr. no longer practices OB, which is fine b/c I don't want to deliver in Stayton anyway.

I've had a little nausea here & there, but not super horrible. No real food cravings yet, but definately some food aversions. LOL!

I've tried to talk names w/ Tommy. He said the same thing this time as he did last time. "Let's wait and see what we're having first, then talk about names". Whatever! That's boring! If we have a boy he wants a Thomas Dean Kessler Jr. We'd call him T.K. I'm still not sold on it yet thought. I kind of want to give him his own name you know? Any thoughts? I thought maybe we could still do a "T" name, but I haven't come across any that I like. For girl names, I really like Emmalyn. Not sure on a middle name yet. The thing is that Emma is really popular right now, and of course, most likely Emmalyn would be shortened to Emma. Maybe. There is so much thought that goes into a name. It's their identity. I have to make sure it's a good one. The thing is, once they're here the name will fit.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

And the answer is....

Well, here it is, January 28th. It's been 29 days since I started my last period. A little longer than usual. For the most part I've been feeling like my normal self. Although, I have been a little tired this week. But not so out of the ordinary tired. I decide I can't contain myself anymore and stop by the store on the way home. I had to pick up some stuff to go w/ dinner anyway. I wait for Tommy to get home, even though I really want to get this show on the road. I start cutting up the chicken (for burritos), and Tommy soaks in the tub. He pulled a muscle in his lower back. I finally go into the bathroom so we can do this thing together. I'm tired of the disappointment, but this time I'm okay. I know I'll be bummed, but also know that our life is great the way it is and we will continue forward with our girls.

I do it, I pee on the stick! Pop the lid back on, clean it up & watch as the fluid flows into the circle area. Two lines I'm pregnant, one I'm not. Immediately that first line appears..."No Way!" I laugh, I smile, I'm in total shock!!! Two lines! We're having a baby!!! Another baby!!! Our last baby!!! So many emotions. Excitement, joy, fear, uncertainty, happiness, shock! You name it, I'm feelin' it. I go back downstairs to finish cooking dinner. Tommy comes down and puts his hands on my tummy & gives me a kiss.

We've told the girls, our parents, and a few friends. Well, I've told a few friends. The girls are happy. The first thing Brielle asked was if it was going to be a boy or a girl. Then she said if it's a boy we should name it Tommy and if it's a girl we should name it Brielle. Very cute! When I was tucking her into bed tonight we talked a little more about it. She says, "Mom, will I still be me?" Awwww...of course you will sweetheart. It's going to be hard looking at this through her eyes, but I'm going to do my best to make this a joyful transition for her.

According to the online calculators my due date is October 7, and my baby is the size of a poppy seed.

I am so excited that I get to continue with my baby journey. This is not the end, but only the beginning of this wonderful miracle. I'm glad I have you all to share it with. All the wonderful (and not so wonderful) things about pregnancy. Even more, I'm glad I have a place to document it all. Now I will forever remember this day.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We've Made a Decision...I Think

So, we've really really made our decision....I think. We're pretty certain we're done trying if we don't concieve this month. Here's the thing though, I'm expecting to start ANY DAY!!! I'm getting kind of nervous now. I should know for sure by Friday (or Satruday) at the latest. So check back soon. But I'm so nervous I'm considering buying another test just so I know for sure. Since we've been trying I've really been keeping track, seems that I'm not so "regular" after all. So I'm still like...I could start tomorrow, or Thursday, or Friday, or Saturday. Kinda suprised I haven't yet, but nothing "feels" different. On the contrary I feel quite the same. Well, anyway, I'll be back on in a few days with an answer to the ultimate question.

Until next time...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I'll keep you all posted

I started this specific blog a few months ago because my husband and I were sure that we wanted to have another baby. Just one more! :o) I know it hasn't really been that long, but the more it doesn't happen the more time it gives me to really think about it. Do I really want to do this again? There are so many pros & cons. At the moment the cons our outweighing the pros. We've decided that if it doesn't happen this month (And I'm not really feelin' it you know?), that we are going to wait until June to start trying again. That is IF we decide to start trying again. If we don't, well then, Tommy will go in for that fun little office procedure :o)

I have so much on my mind but I can't get it all out! I'll keep you all posted.

Monday, January 11, 2010

No new news

Nothing new to report. Tommy & I have our moments where we're still a little back & forth. Should we or shouldn't we? With all the cons there are pros & with all the pros there are cons. I do think we're going to try again this month. If it doesn't happen then we'll probably take a break for a bit & start trying again early June. Trying to avoid having a baby in Nov., Dec., or January. Tommy's bday is in Dec. & Kendra is in January (with Christmas right in between). It would be kind of nice to have another spring baby. It's so uncomfortable to be pregnant in the summer time. But fall would be cool too. We don't have a fall bday yet. :o)

We'll see what happens. I'm just going to not worry about it. If it happens it happens. If it doesn't I just might sign up for that triathalon I've had my eye on, or rock climb Smith Rock. I've always wanted to do both of those things.