Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We've Made a Decision...I Think

So, we've really really made our decision....I think. We're pretty certain we're done trying if we don't concieve this month. Here's the thing though, I'm expecting to start ANY DAY!!! I'm getting kind of nervous now. I should know for sure by Friday (or Satruday) at the latest. So check back soon. But I'm so nervous I'm considering buying another test just so I know for sure. Since we've been trying I've really been keeping track, seems that I'm not so "regular" after all. So I'm still like...I could start tomorrow, or Thursday, or Friday, or Saturday. Kinda suprised I haven't yet, but nothing "feels" different. On the contrary I feel quite the same. Well, anyway, I'll be back on in a few days with an answer to the ultimate question.

Until next time...