Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Okay, so....I swore that I was suppose to start on the 25th. As I said before I jumped the gun & took a PT early, came out negative. Since I didn't start on the 25th I took one again on the 26th, again, negative. Now here it is the 29th, I still haven't started, don't really want to take another test just so I can be told "negative". WTF??? Could it be that I'm stressing myself out so much that my period isn't coming either!!!

I know I just need to calm down, seriously, it's only been two months! I can't tell you how many times I've heard people say it's when they are actually trying that it seems to be the hardest time to conceive. I guess when it happens it just happens, when you're trying you're so aware of every little thing.

I wish I had more to write tonight, but it's late, I'm ready for bed. Thanks for letting me get my frustrations out. :o)

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